Love perpetuated in living the Beatitudes

The basic circle of life is that plants produce oxygen from carbon dioxide and the animals take in the oxygen to produce carbon dioxide which the plants use. Though the plants and animals are mortal, the oxygen and carbon dioxide are perpetuated in this case. These gases make up the Earth’s atmosphere.

In the human circle of life, the baby is born with a hunger and a thirst. The baby grows through caring love to be an adult. The adult becomes a parent who in turn loves a child. Though each person dies, the love is perpetuated in human existence.

Living the Beatitudes has four circles of life in different aspects. In the heavenly aspect, the poor in spirit are children of God and live upon the mercy of God. Through love of neighbor, the merciful express God’s blessing and are blessed with mercy too.

In the past aspect, those mourning after past sins are comforted by seeing God at work in their life. Through love of God, the clean of heart deliver a better vision of God to those mourning.

In the Earthly aspect, the meek seek peace and live in peace by the grace of God. Through love of neighbor, they become peacemakers for those seeking peace.

In the future aspect, hungering and thirsting for righteousness and doing God’s will is the desire of a child of God. Through love of God, those persecuted for the sake of righteousness serve as encouragement for those who hunger and thirst for it.

In the circles of Beatific living, the love of God and love of neighbor are perpetuated as the ‘atmosphere’ in the Kingdom at hand. Love of God and love of neighbor are the two greatest commandments according to Jesus.